Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is everyday life like with dwarfism?

Dwarfism is a fairly common disease in today's society so there are many ways to adapt to everyday life. Things such as pedal extensions let little people drive cars and other transportation devices. Things such as foot stools and small ladders also help with around the house activities. There are also cabinets, toilets, and even stairs there can be specially made for little people, this greatly helps them to live life as normally as possible. In fact the majority of little people, strongly believe that they can carry out life, just as normally as people of regular height, with a few minor changes. The following is a quote by a little person:

"The biggest point I'd like to get across would be that we are people just like you, we have the same hearts, minds and bodies too! The only difference is ours are just a little smaller proportioned than the average person. Daily, little people have to overcome obstacles to get what they want, that just makes us stronger and more determined than ever! I wouldn't trade my life and my family for anything in the world!"- Lauren

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